Fiat Cr.42 Falco
Regia Aeronautica

Model by Pietro Zazzetta
Textures by Alessandro Biagi
Flight Model by Bill Wilson (AvHistory)

Download and install the shared file first, then the airplane file

Shared Files - 7.344 KB
You need AvHistory Weapons Pack (find it at )and Nation Expansion Kit (find it at Netwings ) Installed.
Hi resolution option. We are providing also a 2048x2048 main texture to be used with hi-end computer. The texture is not barely resized, but optimized, with all the "sharp" items, like panel lines, insignia and such, newly made. You can switch between high and low resolution textures with the MAW resol.exe program.
Fiat CR 42
367a Squadriglia, 151o Gruppo, 53o Stormo C.T.
Torino Caselle, May 1939
367a Sq. was the first R.A. unit to receive the Cr. 42
Fiat CR 42 - Tenente Mario Visintini
412a Squadriglia Autonoma C.T.
Barentu, Africa Orientale Italiana (A.O.I.)
December 1940

3.632 KB

Fiat CR 42 - Ten. Ildebrando Malavolti
413a Squadriglia Autonoma C.T.
Gondar, Africa Orientale Italiana (A.O.I.)
October 1941

3.667 KB

Fiat CR 42 - Capt. Molinari
83a Squadriglia, 18o Gruppo, 56o Stormo C.T.
Corpo Aereo Italiano (Battle of Britain)
Ursel, Belgium, November 1940

3.692 KB

Fiat CR 42
85a Squadriglia, 18o Gruppo, 56o Stormo C.T.
Corpo Aereo Italiano (Battle of Britain)
Maldegem, Belgium, October 1940 to January 19419

3.686 KB

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